Browsing by Category "Konferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı"
Now showing items 1-20 of 111
5.Nesil Haberleşme Sistemleri İçin Metamalzeme Tabanlı MIMO Anten Tasarımı
(IEEE, 2021)Bu çalışmada; 5. nesil haberleşme sistemleri için 28 GHz frekans bandında, metamalzeme tabanlı, 4 portlu MIMO anten tasarlanmıştır. İlk olarak, 50 Ω empedans değerine sahip mikroşerit besleme hattının tek tarafına ... -
Adeno-Rota Virüs Testlerinin Tablet Bilgisayar Aracılığıyla Sonuçlandırılması
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)Hastanelerin mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarlarında hızlı hastalık teşhis testleri (HTT) birçok hastalığın tespiti için yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Ancak testlerin sonuçlandırılma süreci göz ile manuel olarak ... -
Akıllı Nesneler İçin Fiziksel Saldırı Tespiti
(IEEE, 2018)Nesnelerin İnterneti akıllı Dünya vizyonuyla hayatın her alanında yeni ürün ve hizmetleriyle girmektedir. Geleneksel diğer bilinen cihazların aksine akıllı nesneler evde, işte veya sokakta hayatın içerisinde karşımıza ... -
Analysis on Effects of Driving Behavior on Freeway Traffic Flow: A Comparative Evaluation of Two Driver Profiles Using Two Car Following Models
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)Car-following (CF) behavior is the most abstract form of driving action and, CF behavior modeling has been one of the core aspects of traffic engineering studies for several decades. The literature about CF behavior ... -
Analytical Modelling and Optimization of Gapped Core Magnetics in LLC Converter
(IEEE, 2021)LLC converter design remains a challenging task as it is not straight-forward to choose the switching frequency range that can provide ZVS covering application dependent voltage gains, considering the fact that it is a ... -
Analyzing the User Experience of Virtual Reality Storytelling with Visual and Aural Stimuli
(Springer, 2020)Storytelling is an integral part of narratives relating to our daily events, news, personal experiences, and fantasies. While humans have long narrated their stories, the mediums they have used to do so have evolved ... -
Applicability of Modified T5 Temper for Aluminium Forged Parts
(ASM International, 2017)In industrial applications, hot forging of aluminum alloy AA 6082 is carried out at 480 °C following a preheating process in an induction heater. The forged parts are then cooled down to room temperature, heated up again ... -
Attachment, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Coping and Alexithymia in Sexually Abused Adolescents
(Elsevier, 2017)Child sexual abuse is the most hidden phenomenon among child abuse types with psychological, medical, judicial and educational and sociological aspects. Its’ adverse effects will be done in order to explain the ... -
Az Örnekli Öğrenme ile Mikroskobik Görüntülerden Maya Hücresi Segmentasyonu
(IEEE, 2021)Mikroskobik görüntülerden otomatik hücre segmentasyonu, derin sinir ağları veya görüntü işleme teknikleri kullanılarak yapılabilmektedir. Bu tekniklerin ayrı ayrı problemleri ve zorlukları bulunmakla birlikte özellikle ... -
BaDENAS: Retina Damar Segmentasyonu için Bayes Tabanlı Sinir Mimarisi Arama
(IEEE, 2023)Retinal damar segmentasyonu, retinal görüntülerin analizi için önemli bir görevdir ve göz hastalıklarının teşhisinde ve tedavisinde kullanılan etkili bir araçtır. Damar segmentasyonunu otomatik hale getiren U-Net gibi derin ... -
Battery Management Module with Active Balancing and Cell Switching
(IEEE, 2018)The lithium ion type battery has become commercially more popular than the traditional battery and the usage market has increased. The main reason for this expansion and increase is that it has a high voltage value and ... -
Benzetimli Tavlama ile Doğal Afetlerde Kurtarma Birimlerinin Tahsisi ve Çizelgelenmesi
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024)Günümüzde dünya genelinde ve özellikle ülkemizde sıkça meydana gelen do˘gal afetler, can kaybı ve mal kaybına yol açarak ciddi sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunların azaltılabilmesi için kurtarma ekiplerinin etkin ... -
Beyin Tümörlerinin Görüntü İşleme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Bilgisayar Destekli Tespiti
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)Günümüz teknolojisinde bilgisayar destekli tespit uygulamaları tıp alanına büyük katkılar sa˘glamayı ba¸sarmı¸stır. Bu çalı¸smada, beyin manyetik rezonans görüntülerindeki tümörlerin tespiti gerçekle¸stirilmi¸stir. ... -
A Bi-criteria Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Robustness Objective for the Course Timetabling Problem
(Patat, 2016)Traditional methods of generating timetables may not yield robust solutions that may easily be adapted to changing inputs. Incorporating late changes by making minimum modifications is an important need in many ... -
Bi-Criteria Simulated Annealing Algorithms for the Robust University Course Timetabling Problem
(PATAT, 2018)A bi-criteria version of the curriculum-based university timetabling problem of ITC-2007 is solved using a multi-objective simulated annealing (MOSA) algorithm that identifies an approximation to the optimal Pareto front. ... -
Building Energy Performance of Complex Forms: Test Simulation of Minimal Surface-Based Form Optimization
(Ecaade-Education & Research Computer Aided Architectural Design Europe, 2020)Many optimization tools are developed in line with the form-energy relationship to ensure energy efficiency in buildings. However, such studies with complex forms are very limited. Therefore, the MSO-2 model was developed. ... -
Charger Structure with Transistor Based Isolator for Parallel Charging of Series Connected Battery Cells
(IEEE, 2019)A new generation of highly efficient batteries is being developed to be used as a power source for electronic devices. Basic battery management systems do not charge the battery cells and require external chargers. For ... -
Cilt Lezyonlarının Otomatik Bölütlenmesi
(IEEE, 2017)Modern dünyada kanser giderek artan bir sağlık problemi haline gelmiştir. Ülkemizde de sebebi bilinen ölümler sıralamasında ilk üçte yer almaktadır. Cilt kanseri türlerinden biri olan malign melanom %4’lük bir dilime ... -
Classification of Covid-19 X-ray Images Using Tridiagonal Matrix Enhanced Multivariance Products Representation (TMEMPR)
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)Medical images are crucial data sources for diseases that can not be diagnosed easily. X-rays, one of the medical images, have high resolution. Processing high-resolution images leads to a few problems such as difficulties ... -
Classification of Fruit Images as Fresh and Rotten Using Convolutional Neural Networks
(IEEE, 2023)Many fruits are produced all over the world, and the fruits produced are sent abroad and sold in a relatively short time in many countries. During the period between collection and sale, the fruits may undergo various types ...