FSM Vakıf University Institutional Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 4932
Hz. Peygamber’in Bilgisi Meselesi -Abdullah Sirâceddin Özelinde-
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2024)Sünnetin dindeki yeri, İslâm dünyasında son birkaç asrın temel tartışma konularından biri olmuştur. Hadislerin güvenilirliği, bağlayıcılığı ve Hz. Peygamber’in otoritesi gibi başlıklar üzerinde yoğunlaşan tartışmalar ... -
Resveratrol-Loaded PCL-PEG/GO/HAP Biocomposite Bone Membranes: Evaluation of Mechanical Properties, Release Kinetics and Cellular Response
(Sage, 2025)In this study, biocomposite membranes were developed by incorporating resveratrol (RSV)-loaded PCL-PEG composites, modified with graphene oxide (GO) and hydroxyapatite (HAP). The aim was to enhance hydrophilicity with GO ... -
First Photometric Investigation of V517 Cam Combined with Ground-Based and TESS Data
(Elsevier, 2025)The observations of eclipsing binary systems are of great importance in astrophysics, as they allow direct measurements of fundamental stellar parameters. By analysing high-quality space-based observations with ground-based ... -
البصريات ونظرية الإبصار بين جالينوس وأبي بكر الرازي
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)كان أبو بكر الرازي محمد بن زكريا أحد العقول الموسوعية الجميلة في تاريخ العلوم في الإسلام. ساهمت الخبرات التي جمعها من مختلف المجالات في نجاحه في بقية الفروع العلمية التي درسها. قادته الخيمياء إلى الكيمياء الحديثة وإلى بناء ... -
Evaluation of Lattice Material Suitability for Additive Manufactured Gears under Compression Loads
(Springer, 2025)Lattice structures have gained increasing prominence in modern applications due to their advantageous traits such as lightweightness, energy absorption capacity without compromising strength. Additive manufacturing processes ... -
İyileştirilmiş Görüntü Sınıflandırma Performansı için Hibrit ESA-Ağaç Temelli Bir Model
(IEEE, 2024)Kan hücreleri, enfeksiyonlara karşı koruma ve vücudu savunma gibi çeşitli vücut fonksiyonlarında önemli bir rol oynar. Genel olarak kırmızı, beyaz ve trombosit olarak gruplanabilen kan hücrelerinin doğru bir şekilde ... -
Unveiling the Origins and Dynamics of the Hierarchical Triple Star System CN Lyn
(American Astronomical Society, 2025)In this study, we present a detailed analysis of CN Lyn, an overlooked triple star system, by combining spectroscopic data from the literature, photometric Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite data, and kinematic techniques. ... -
11. Yüzyılda Bilim ve Teknoloji: El-Bîrûnî’nin Katkıları
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)Bilim Tarihinin kurucusu George Sarton (1884-1956) Ebu’l Reyhan Muhammet ibn Ahmet el-Bîrûnî’yi (973-1061) Orta Çağın en özgün bilim adamlarından biri kabul eder. Yazdığı Bilim Tarihine Giriş isimli devasa eserinde 11. ... -
The Effect of Physical Comfort on User Productivity in Open-Plan Office Spaces
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2025)Açık plan ofisler 21.yy’da giderek daha popüler hale gelmekte, fiziksel ortamlarının verimlilik üzerindeki etkileri de tartışma konusu olmaktadır. Açık plan ofislerde fiziksel ortam, kullanıcı verimliliğini önemli ölçüde ... -
Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin’i Anmak ve Anlamak
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)Cumhurbaşkanlığı tarafından 2019 yılının “Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin” yılı olarak ilan edilmesi vesilesiyle düzenlenen I. Uluslararası İslam Bilim Tarihi Sempozyumu çerçevesinde Fuat Sezgin’in kişiliği, eserleri ve çalışmaları, ... -
İslam Coğrafyacılarından Osmanlı Coğrafyacılarına Yeryüzünün Matematiksel Taksimi: Hakiki (Yedi) İklim
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)Yeryüzünün daha iyi anlaşılır ve tanınabilir olması üzerine yapılan coğrafi çalışmalar içerisinde matematiksel konuma dayanan değerlendirmeler oldukça önemlidir. Günümüzde enlem ve boylamlar üzerinden yapılan bu matematiksel ... -
Introduction,1st International Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Symposium of Islamic History of Science
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)Türk Bilim Tarihçisi Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin hocanın 30 Haziran 2018 tarihinde ebediyete irtihalini müteakip Cumhurbaşkanımız Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, 2019 yılını “Fuat Sezgin Yılı” olarak ilan etmiştir. Bu çerçevede ... -
Birûni in The 1046th Anniversary of His Birth: A Study on The Precious Stones and Metals
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)Birûni is one of the ten greatest genuises of the world and polymath. As a polymath and scholar, he has a wide range of knowledge in many branches of science. Birûni produced lots of works in many fields of science from ... -
Al-Idrīsī and a Translation and Commentary About the Far East from His Nuzhat Al-Mushtāq
(Istanbul University Press, 2020)This paper talks about the earliest Islamic knowledge on the Far East based on 8th – 12th century extant works on geography as well as travel accounts. It shows how pre-Islamic works on geography, e.g. the al-Ğuġrafyā of ... -
A Deep Learning Multi-feature Based Fusion Model for Predicting The State of Health of Lithium-ion Batteries
(Elsevier, 2025)Lithium-ion batteries have become the preferred energy storage method with applications ranging from consumer electronics to electric vehicles. Utilization of the battery will eventually lead to degradation and capacity fade. ... -
Comprehensive Risk Assessment Approach for Storage Tank Facilities Against Hazards Including Fire, Explosion, and Earthquake
(Wiley, 2025)Storage tank facilities hold significant importance for the industries, economies, and environments of countries. In the past, these facilities have suffered extensive damage due to one or more accidents or natural ... -
Advances in Drug Targeting, Drug Delivery, and Nanotechnology Applications: Therapeutic Significance in Cancer Treatment
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2025)In the 21st century, thanks to advances in biotechnology and developing pharmaceutical technology, significant progress is being made in effective drug design. Drug targeting aims to ensure that the drug acts only in the ... -
The Temperature-Dependent Tight Binding Theory Modelling of Strain and Composition Effects on the Electronic Structure of CdSe- and ZnSe-Based Core/Shell Quantum Dots
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2025)We propose a temperature-dependent optimization procedure for the secondnearest neighbor (2NN) sp3s* tight-binding (TB) theory parameters to calculate the effects of strain, structure dimensions, and alloy composition ... -
L2D2: A Novel LSTM Model for Multi-Class Intrusion Detection Systems in the Era of IoMT
(İEEE, 2025)The rapid growth of IoT has significantly changed modern technology by allowing devices, systems, and services to connect easily across different areas. Due to the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ... -
Advances in Sand Cat Swarm Optimization: A Comprehensive Study
(Springer, 2025)This study provides an in-depth review and analysis of the nature-inspired Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (SCSO) algorithm. The SCSO algorithm effectively focuses on exploring solution areas inspired by sand cat hearing and ...